Saturday, May 17, 2014

Welcome to WUWAB!

"Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy."
We all know that certain feeling you get entering the park, or seeing the classic blue title screen of Walt Disney Pictures pop up.
(the new one isn't quite the same, but it still gives us goosebumps!)
*Sigh* Memories
It has taken the world by storm, or perhaps an eternal winter that can only be thawed by true love *cough cough*.
The cold never bothered us, anyways.
           We'll be going into full analysis of our favorite Disney characters, films, scenes and any other elements that make a Disney movie, well, Disney! We'll also be including quizzes and trivia to make it all the more magical. From the tales as old as time to the films fresh out of theaters, we'll be dissecting each with careful attention to detail.


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